(Amplifying the Tropical Ants)
Multispecies features 4 species of tropical ants from the Brazilian Amazon. This video was made by Blaire Stapp and features footage by Patricia Gouvea.
BBC Radio 4 (July 2020) The Last Songs of Gaia: Plants and Insects: interview about ATTA and excerpts from in-progress and completed compositions. The interview begins at 10:05.
BIO|PLASTIC : speculative soundscape composition
In this project I speculated about how the accumulation of plastiglomerate to ocean floor sediment - and an eventual increase in bioplastic input - might impact sound and acoustic communication in oceans. The first minute features bioplastic sound in water; the second minute features petroleum-based plastic.
Gamboa, Panama (Oct 2019)
Adolfo Ducke Reserve (for File Fest 2021)
Built Hidden Soundscapes is a series of synthesized soundscapes consisting exclusively of hidden sounds, with a focus on invertebrates. Hidden sound is any sound that humans cannot hear without technology, and includes ultrasound, substrate-borne vibration, and extremely quiet sound.