lisa ann schonberg
Electronic Arts PhD program/ Spring 2021


Binaural recording of a 41-speaker ambisonic installation.

Resilience/Resiliência is a documentary and speculative work investigating acoustic relationships and agency of invertebrates in the tropical forests in Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil. It features modulation and intraction between beetles, ants, cicadas, termites, other non-humans, and anthrophony.

Composed by Lisa Schonberg for ATTA (Amplifying the Tropical Ants) at EMPAC Studio 1, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

please wear headphones

Ecosystem Sound Restoration (Old-growth Playback)

8-channel spatialized audio installed in Mozilla Hubs Web-VR.
5:52 audio composition
4 videos

{currently @ Klingt-Gut Conference of Spatialized Sound}

Ecosystem Sound Restoration is a gesture of ecological restoration through sound in impacted forest environments in Oregon. I collected field recordings that are distinctive of old growth forest and played them back through a multi-speaker system in four degraded forest sites. I recorded synchronized audio and video during the playback at all four sites: a homogenous plantation of Doug Fir trees, a burned patch of old growth forest, and two selectively logged sites. Ecosystem Sound Restoration also includes recordings of litterfall hitting the forest floor; the resilience of seeds that fell to the ground long ago is vital for ecological succession.

Concept & field recordings were made while in residency with the Long Term Ecological Reflections program at the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest in Oregon with the Spring Creek Project. Composed, edited and mixed at EMPAC in Goodman/Studio 1 at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.



  1. wear headphones or use good speakers

  2. walk around using the arrow keys

  3. turn right or left by using “q” and “e”

  4. use HUBS on a laptop or desktop — it doesn’t work very well on a phone